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The Art of Leveraging Culture (without ruining it)

Sell Yourself, Sell Your Strategy

Understand how leaders earn trust so you can sell work and influence clients’ more often

Choose Your Fighter

The intention of this class is simple: to help you uncover your fighting brand.

Bring Out The Worst In Yourself To Get To The Best

“Bad is actually good if you think about it”

Fringe Is The Future – How To Find The Edgy

Culture 101, 3 truths to it, dynamics, laws, checklist of makes a trend or what doesn’t make a trend & lastly bring those 4 questions to life by…

Gaming Is A Thing – What Are You Gonna Do About It

Gaming is bigger than you think it is & gamers are not who you think they are.

Understanding How Brands Grow

New users or loyal ones?

Turning Dissatisfaction Into Action

Tap into your dissatisfaction, the ‘itch’ to know how to move forward

Great Insights Come From Community

Why black women make the best strategists & why it’s important for any strategists to understand identity & community.

Why Should We Give A Sh_t About Web3

Why Should We Give A Sh_t About Web3 And The Virtual World When The Real World Is On Fire


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