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The Sweathead Strategy Summer Camp

Live Session 3.

Writing Words

As part of our annual membership the
Sweathead Strategy Summer Camp will

– 4 weeks
– Live training with 8 teachers
– Project work
– Feedback from your peers

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More About the Session

Live Session 1.

Loving Words

We’ll get you to fall back in love with words or, if you never fell out of
love with them we’ll point you at the words that work best.

Core (30 mins): Exploring the science behind memorable words

Conversations (30 mins): Understanding how words define culture for strategy thinkers

Session 3 Trainers


Dr. Marcus Collins

Head of Strategy,
Wieden+Kennedy New York

Dr. Marcus studies cultural contagion and meaning-making to help bridge the academic-practitioner gap for marketers. When he is not putting ideas in the world, he teaches at the Ross School of Business, University of Michigan.


Claire Strickett

Planning Director,

Claire is strategic planner who has planned for brands like Virgin Media, Domino’s, easyJet. She is a lateral thinker, a cultural magpie, and an unashamed fan of puns.

Check out rest of the sessions

Week 01 – Loving Words

Week 02 – Finding Words

Saying Words

Week 04 – Say Your Words


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