Brand Essence

What does a brand essence need to accomplish? Brand essences are a short set of words (often 1-3 words) that try to capture the heart…

Single Minded Propositions

How to say the one thing we want to say, well? Single-minded propositions appear on most creative brief templates. They are the single thing we…

Strategy Statements

How to write a good strategy statement. Strategy statements try to encapsulate an idea that solves a problem based on understanding the audience and the…

10 Ways to Write Strategy

Learn 10 ways(kinds) of strategy you might be required to write. As we explore the various ways to express strategy, we’ll first look at how…

What Strategy Is Not

Some clear examples on what strategy does not look like. All strategy careers encounter endless jargon and theory. They also meet many different ways of…

What Strategy Is

Strategy is an informed opinion about how to win. Tactics make it happen. You can use the words “strategy” and “tactics” in broad ways and…

Not All Thoughts are Ideas

Knowing when you’ve had an idea. This class has one purpose – to challenge you to start seeing ideas as a type of thought but…

Two Can Run That Game

What’s a game? We play games all the time. You’re playing several right now. And it helps to understand what games you’re playing so you…


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