The Benefit Ladder
The Benefit Ladder is a classic tool to get you thinking about what matters to your audience. Often, we are too close to our brand…
The Benefit Ladder is a classic tool to get you thinking about what matters to your audience. Often, we are too close to our brand…
How to present what makes your brand unique. The Pyramid Of Advantage is a technique that helps us work out what our audience or customer…
In The Four Points Framework, we write the advantage as an idea – an argument – that connects to the theme we’re playing with in…
How can you write your insight so that others can understand it. Here are ten ways in which you can write an insight. Also, I…
Why you shouldn’t be afraid to ask questions & some questions you can ask. For some reason, in business, questions can appear weak. To not…
Hint: “research” isn’t enough of an answer. Knowing how insights happen & how to tell they’ve happened.
Here’s how to actually use SWOT in your work. S.W.O.T. stands for Strength, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. It’s simple. Strengths and weaknesses are internal to…
Learn a quick workshop activity to identify problems. Dump-A-Problem is simple. But there’s rhyme and reason to it.
Understand how problems(and knowing what they are) can be a good thing. Problems help us sell, they captivate our brains, and they house solutions. Finding…
The key to creating strategy shapes. Strategy shapes are useful. They help you condense your thinking into one page that you can carry around with…